
I’m Craig Haynie.

I’m Married with Kids
I have been married to my lovely wife Christin for nearly 19 (glorious) years and we have two beautiful daughters (Caroline, 9 and Catie, 7), who we homeschool.

I’m an Entrepreneur
I’m the founder and CEO of two companies:
–  CablesAndKits.com (AtlanTech Resellers, Inc.)
–  Millwood Holdings, LLC (AKA EscapeTheHOA)

I’ve also founded, ran, sold, shut down, or forgot about several others over the years.

Where I live
–  We live in Statham, GA on nearly 10 acres on a 575 acre municipal water reservoir. It’s private, quiet, and a place we will likely live for the rest of our lives, Lord Willing.
–  We also own a beachfront condo in Surfside Beach, SC. We try to go there 4-5 times a year including staying the month of March and September when schedules allow.

My Faith
I am a child of the One True Living God. After a near fatal motorcycle accident in 1998 I recognized God as sovereign and Holy, and recognized my sin as separating me from Him. I cried out with a child like faith “I can’t do this anymore” and began to grow in knowledge and understanding. On December 29th, 2009 I SURRENDERED my life and heart to Jesus. Nothing has been the same since.

1 thought on “About”

  1. Harriet D Callahan

    Was amazed to find the company from which I simply made an order to be faith-based! Thank you for sharing your path. He always shows us the way, just at times I seem to wear the WRONG glasses. 🙂
    I look forward to your daily emails, the first of which I received this morning.

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