This past Wednesday at FUEL was another fantastic chapter in our journey through the book “Disciplines of Godly Men”. We studied the chapter on Marriage and it was powerful.
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Eph 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
Serveral principles were touched on including Sacrificial Love(we should be willing to sacrifice for our wives, even unto death, Intercession(Interceding in prayer for her needs), Sanctifying Love (We should love our wives in a way that causes them to become more Holy). We should be Committed and Faithful. We should Communicate and Elevate (build her up with our words to her and others about her). We should Defer to the desires of our wives and give them our love, affection, and integrate romance into our marriages.
Tough stuff. If I had to choose one area where I constantly fail in my life this would be it. I do love my wife with all my heart though and am going to strive to be a better husband. Just a thought … I wonder how much a lack of loving one’s self can hinder their ability to practice a “Jesus like” love toward their wife. How much do we really love our self if we neglect our health, our bodies, our brains, and our emotions by letting health issues go, eating poorly, not exercising, not resting, not dealing with emotional hurt, etc? If we do not love ourselves how can we really love anyone else? Something to ponder.